A Guide to Being Sponsored

The Guide

If you compete on a regular basis, you don’t need to be told that cycling and triathlon are expensive. Transport costs to an event, entry fees and keeping equipment up to date and working well comes at considerable expense. Having a sponsor will help you alleviate some of that pressure, but in the current financial climate riders who offer something back have the best chance of gaining one. Even if you’re not thinking of attracting sponsorship for yourself, you may compete for a sponsored club or a team, so it’s good practice to follow many of the same rules.

Most sponsorship comes from local bike shops or small businesses that have a love of sport rather than having much to gain from supporting you as an athlete. It’s a shame, therefore, that many sponsors to have negative experiences, most specifically when athletes try to get as much out of them as they can without giving anything back. From the perspective of a sponsor, being a good athlete for them is not just about winning races. It’s about fostering positive relationships to demonstrate that the sponsor’s contribution is valued. This in turn will impact on whether they will continue to sponsor you or other athletes in the future.

When contacting a prospective sponsor, a well presented CV demonstrating showing how you will act as a representative and ambassador for them will offer you the best chance of success. Do you have a regularly updated blog? What successes have you had in the past? What publicity can you offer the sponsor? These are all points to consider.

If you’re lucky enough to obtain sponsorship, it’s worthwhile agreeing what is expected all around at the onset of the relationship. This ensures that there are no false expectations and minimises the chance of conflict part way through the season. Agreements don’t need to be too formal, unless you will be racing for an elite or professional team, but it is always useful to get something in writing.

Top Tips

The following 10 Top Tips will help you be the best sponsored rider you can be.
1. Always use kit and equipment provided to you in training or racing, unless with prior agreement from the sponsor.
2. Behave appropriately in public at all times but especially when wearing sponsored kit.
3. Write a race report for the sponsor. They are investing in you, so they should see what they’re getting in return. Make sure it’s positive and does not criticise others.
4. Make yourself available for photo shoots and send pictures taken by the official photographer during the race to the sponsor. If you’re on the podium, make sure you are wearing full clean and tidy race kit. An old tracksuit top, stonewash jeans and a pair of cycling shoes isn’t a good look.
5. Provide constructive feedback on equipment if the sponsor would like you to do so.
6. Always treat fellow competitors with respect. Unsportsmanlike conduct reflects poorly on you as well as the sponsor.
7. Speak to others about how good the sponsor’s product, services or shop is and never criticise the sponsor.
8. Provide regular feedback on race results and how the season is progressing. Compiling a race portfolio for the season is particularly effective and it may be useful to send to potential new sponsors.
9. Offer to attend trade shows to act as an ambassador for the sponsor, but only to an extent that it doesn’t impact on racing too much.
10. Never be seen using the product of a sponsor’s competitor.

Next Week

In my next blog, I’ll be introducing The Snickers Paradigm and a simplified way of planning training.

Edinburgh RC Coaching Day Survey

This survey is for athletes who recently attended a coaching day in Edinburgh. If that’s not you, then please don’t fill in the survey. I’ll have a new blog for you shortly.

First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who attended the Edinburgh RC coaching day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. A special thank you to Phil for delivering a Go-Ride session for all! Thanks to Gareth, Neil and Ken for organising the day and their support in delivering the Coach-led racing session.Photos of the day are here.

The Yearly Planner for the day is here. Annual Planner

Part of the deal was that you filled in the survey, so I’m expecting everyone to give it a go.

Many thanks for taking the time to complete the survey.

Developing a Winning Mindset


It’s all well and good having goals or intentions and aspire to be the best you can be. However, you need the right mindset to be able to achieve your goals. A mind-set is a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines your responses to and interpretations of situations. The key word here is fixed.Unless you keep challenging and adapting your mindset you will stand still.

In this week’s Blog, I reflect on experiences that have affected my own mindset. Its aim is to stimulate you to think about your own mindset and how it affects how you train, coach or provide support to others.

This time of year is ideal to reflect on your own mindset, as doing so may inform on how you develop a training or support programme for yourself or others. It’s not a magazine article with ’10 tips to develop a winning mindset’. Rather, you should reflect on your own experiences, thinking about what your own mindset is and if you need to change it.


Bias is very closely related to mindset. In fact, I’m struggling to be able to come up with a clear difference in definition. Are you bias? Do you focus on one method of training or another? Do you stringently defend one theory or perspective while dismissing alternative ones? If not, you are exceptional! Even the Buddha was bias and he was enlightened!

What are your biases and how do you think they could limit your performance? Write them down if it helps. It took me many years to accept that I was bias and that my biases impact on how I behave. By recognising your own biases, your assumptions and methods of doing things, you will begin to understand your own mindset. It becomes easier to open your mind to change things for the better once you do so. Changes could relate to the way you train, race, coach or provide support to others. Sometimes, you will conclude that your biases or assumptions are reasonable and you can continue on the same path as before. That’s great as long as you’ve critically thought about them. For example, I’m bias towards riding my bike as a mode of transport and I really don’t want to consider driving. It fits well with my green, left-leaning mindset and I’m happy with that.

Reflecting on my Experiences

As a sports scientist specialising in physiology and during my Ph.D. research, my areas of interest became my world. Very little existed beyond this small world. Of course physiology is far more important than psychology, I thought! Why do coaches not understand? I know far more than all these coaches; why do they lead me when they’ve not got a clue? Why do others not value me? That was my mind-set for a while. It was my map-of-reality. So what changed? Well, a number of things:

1. I was trying to get some tests organised but it wasn’t happening. It was my job to do them and I was frustrated. When I eventually spoke to the coach, he spelt out a few realities for me. “Why the Jemima Puddleduck are you moaning to me about getting lab-tests organised? I’m trying to get some bloody wheels and tubulars for the nationals sourced, I have a million other things to organise! Where do you sit on my priority list?

I was wounded! It hurt! His priorities were definitely more important than mine. His were athlete-centred and mine were about doing a job that I was being paid to do.

2. I read an academic paper by Mark Hargreaves an eminent physiologist. In his commentary, he recognised that his area of expertise was only a small part of the puzzle that he was trying to solve, rather than the whole solution. Accepting that he was bias demonstrates that he had an open mind, something that can quite easily lost when you’re an expert in one particular area of knowledge.

3. I was coaching a rider who was physically very talented, highly competitive and has a never say die attitude on the bike. The challenge was to help keep them happy, motivated to train and focussed on goals. Understanding behaviour and how to influence it was far more important than prescribing specific physical training sessions. The experience forced me to look into areas that were relatively new to me, such as how to develop psychological skills.

4. I went to the Tour of the North in Northern Ireland with a junior team. The riders who weren’t physically exceptional. They were, however, technically and tactically excellent, meaning that they could race with confidence and bravery. A professional rider in the field commented “I wish I was able to ride like that at their age, How do they do it?”. “They have been coached in techniques and tactics and are expected to practice them in training” I replied smugly. Then, on reflection, I realised that my total contribution to their training was administering VO2max tests and ‘policing’ their snack trips after I saw a smoked sausage and 3 cream eggs in one rider’s shopping basket. Yes, planning and prescribing training sessions, understanding physiology and being able to advice coaches on physical training is important but it’s only one small part of the overall plan. I had learnt what my place was in the ‘big picture’ as a physiologist and burnt a few bridges along the way.

I thought I was a physiologist; therefore, I was a physiologist, my adaptation of the Descartes musing! Other people called themselves coaches. I worked with other support staff with their own labels, such as psychologist, biomechanist and nutritionist. Like me, I assume, these people often define themselves by their labels. These labels are illusions. People should be defined by their actions, not the labels they give themselves. Yes, labels are essential to identify the area of individual expertise. However, they sometimes act as a barrier that prevents people with the similar goals but different skills from effectively working together as a team. A collective “how can we solve this problem together?” rather than being constrained by our own biases is the way to go.

Speaking with one of the much respected coaches at work about these experiences he said:

“Andy, you are not the first physiologist to have made similar mistakes and you will not be the last. But, you have learnt your lessons the hard way, so make it count”.

I promised him I would!

Further Lessons

Human performance is complex because it involves body and mind. Each system of the body is reliant on all the others, rather than each working independently. For example, most muscles contracts when we use the mind to tell them to do so. If the mind has not been trained sufficiently well, it will send signals to the muscles prematurely telling them they need to slow down or stop when the going gets tough. The more the body and mind are trained together, the more automatic appropriate and efficient movements and actions become.

If technique training is neglected, then performance will be sub-optimal. If an athlete is unable to consistently implement appropriate tactics i.e. making the right decision, in the right place, at the right time, performance is sub-optimal. The take home message for me is that the body and mind need to be trained together. This was a change in mind-set because, similar to Mark Hargreaves, previously I was bias to one area….peripheral fatigue in my case.

Being bias in one area of training or performance than another isn’t a problem, per-se because it’s impossible to be an expert in everything. However, failing to recognise your own biases is a problem.

If swimming efficiency ranges from between 5-8% (over 90% of total energy is ‘wasted’), will there be larger improvements through physical or technical training? Does your answer reflect your own mind-set or how you train?

If you focus exclusively on physical training or not thinking about your area of expertise within a holistic perspective, then you are failing yourself. With an open-mind it is possible to develop a mind-set that will help you and those you work with reach their own potential. With a closed-mind, learning is likely to be a very slow process!

This blog supports a workshop that I’m doing for my cycling club, looking at developing simple and effective training programmes for riders. Don’t worry if you won’t be there though as I’ll be doing further blogs to support the workshop content.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or event use the comments box to disagree with what I’ve said. I would really value if you could share your experiences.

My Favourite Coaches

My Coaching Heroes

As my very first coaching blog, I thought it would be good to reflect on some people that have had a major influence on me. Most people have sporting heroes. I have coaching heroes. They have inspired me to do something I thought I couldn’t do, supported me when I needed support or helped me change the way I think about things. Knowledge isn’t power, the ability to use knowledge effectively to influence others is! Here’s my coaching heroes:

Tim and Simon Tim and Simon are two of my favourite coaches. The Great Britain Cycling Team has a habit of employing the best people for the job and this pair are no different. They look after the development of younger riders and do so wonderfully. Both are born entertainers who understand how to coach the technicalities of cycling.

It’s many years since I got into cycling and it’s so exciting to see how the sport developed in the UK since the Boardman and Obree days. I’m of a generation that learnt to ride a bike the old skool way, using the HOIYC principle……hang on if you can. Things have changed now, helped by the success of Chris Hoy et al. and lottery funding. However, coaches like Tim and Simon are also making a huge contribution by helping youngsters learn good technique and race craft. This is resulting in more than a few riders progressing to the top level each year rather than a few each decade. Every stage of rider development is important but only those at the top end tend to receive the plaudits. This is understandable but it’s also good to stand back and recognise the unsung heroes

Scott “Bonkers” Balfour: Scott inspires me in his own quiet way. He sees potential in everyone and his snippets of advice are always wise. Scott introduced me to triathlon many years ago, encouraging me to go to a swim session when I could hardly swim. He’s a multiple IM Hawaii finisher and has done a sub 3-hour marathon when aged over 60! He doesn’t seem to wear his “legend” status well, probably wondering what all the fuss is about. A humble and brilliant guy. I even let him coach my girlfriend!

Darren Smith: Darren is probably the best triathlon coach in the world. There’s something special about him. The 1st time I met him, he really upset me by telling me to give it up. I wanted to prove him wrong. When I asked to shadow his coaching for a week, he said yes! That simply never happens in sport! When I email him, he replies! That’s very rare in elite sport. When he gets in wrong, he says so. When he gets it right, he says so. Athletes want to do their best for him. He may not always show it, but he cares deeply about his athletes and they give him the respect he deserves in return.

Heiko Salzwedel: Heiko has been a top level coach in cycling for many years and he’s now working for the Russian Federation. He implicitly taught me that coaching isn’t so much about numbers or analyses. It’s about trust and knowing how to motivate people. I’d like to think of the guy as a good friend, but I suspect so would most people he’s come into contact with in his career. He doesn’t have soft skills, he is Mr Soft-skills!

Amy Taylor: Amy is now Development Manager at Cycling New Zealand. I worked with her at BC for a while. She helped me look at the world in a different way, she got me to try yoga, encouraged me to study Buddhism and influenced me more than she’ll ever know. Trust and respect is everything in coaching and Amy is a master at fostering both. Nothing in life is permanent but it’s still OK to miss those that are far away.

Lessons Learnt

I come into contact with coaches all the time, some brilliant, some average and others not very good at all. The best seem to be those with an open mind, that are not hasty in offering an opinion, are good listeners, know what they’re talking about and see being wrong as a learning opportunity, not an ego damaging experience.

Being an ex-top athlete certainly isn’t a pre-requisite to being an effective coach, although experiencing top level competition does have its benefits. It would be worrying if a horse trainer was judged on their ability as a successful race horse, wouldn’t it? Less effective coaches tend to be the exact opposite i.e. closed-minded, set in their ways and do not readily listen. Yes, there are a few coaches of this type that are successful, but their style normally results in far more collateral damage than is necessary.

Most of us older ones, over about 23 years old have rarely experienced being coached, so we need to build up our own internal picture of what good coaching looks like. What’s really exciting is that youngsters who have gone through Go-Ride Clubs or been coached within talent programmes understand what good coaching is. They’re now coming through to be the new coaches of the future. Young Kev Stewart who has recently been appointed as Head Coach @ The Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome is a fine example.